
The problems of police brutality and misconduct run rampant through New York City, and have received increasing attention in recent times due to tragedies such as the killing of Eric Garner, and George Floyd's death. These tragedies have resulted in mass protests for protecting black lives and ending police brutality. Despite this, little has been done to reform our police system, and many still deny the existence of police brutality and misconduct.


We plan to create an interactive visualization of data provided by the ACLU on police misconduct in New York City, which will provide an overview for the entire city as well as information for particular precincts. We hope that this visualization will help to highlight and bring attention to the problem.

Main Features

Image of graphs representative of data overview

Team Members

Riley Neher

Riley Neher
Director | Riley Neher's LinkedIn

Lauren Gatesman

Lauren Gatesman
COO/Tech Lead | Lauren Gatesman's LinkedIn

Arahant Ashok

Arahant Ashok
Product Manager/Tech Lead | Arahant Ashok's LinkedIn

Bridget Daugherty

Bridget Daugherty
Designer | Bridget Daugherty's LinkedIn

Ryan Bello

Ryan Bello
Developer | Ryan Bello's LinkedIn

Austin Lee

Austin Lee
Developer | Austin Lee's LinkedIn

Yash Bharti

Yash Bharti

Soojin Choi

Soojin Choi
Developer | Soojin Choi's LinkedIn

Vivi Wei

Vivi Wei
Developer | Vivi Wei's LinkedIn